The Google Charts is extremely simple way to create charts from some data and embed it in a website. The theme provides your Google Chart shortcode that makes the process even easier and lets create few types of charts. It is really simple to post using the shortcode.
Usage notes
- Put that shortcode into the body of post/page.
- Use a
shortcode as wrapper to prevent WordPress automatic formatting.
[chart data="70,25,20.01,4.99" bg="F8F8F8" labels="Reffering+sites|Google|Yahoo|Other" colors="058DC7,50B432,ED561B,EDEF00" size="425x190" title="3D Pie Chart Title" type="pie" ]
[chart data="70,25,20.01,4.99" bg="F8F8F8" labels="2010|2011|2012|2013" colors="058DC7,50B432,ED561B,EDEF00" size="425x190" title="Line Chart Title" type="line" ]
[chart data="0,25,50,75,100|2,33,43,17,25|0,25,50,75,100|0,20,25,40,75" bg="F8F8F8" labels="Begin|25|50|75|End" colors="058DC7,50B432" size="425x190" title="Line Chart Title 2" type="xyline" ]
[chart data="0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100|50,52,56,63,70,80,92,85,75,60,43" bg="F8F8F8" labels="1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10" colors="058DC7" size="425x190" title="Scatter Chart Title" type="scatter" ]
[chart data="70,25,20.01,4.99" bg="F8F8F8" labels="Reffering+sites|Google|Yahoo|Other" colors="058DC7,50B432,ED561B,EDEF00" size="425x190" title="Pie Chart Title" type="pie2d" ]
[chart data="40" bg="F7F9FA" labels="Forty" colors="058DC7,50B432,ED561B,EDEF00" size="425x190" title="Gom Chart Title" type="gom" ]